

For some basic knowledge you can see Deep Learning{#2a7886a37fedaeeff628d34d3d66cd6d}.

Adaptive Learning Rate

Saddle points can be very challenging -- Saddles

  • To detect saddle points

No.1 Overfit you training data -- you model has the flexibility to get there.


  • Parameter Regularization
  • \(\ell_1\) forces some variables to be zero to preserve sparsity.
  • Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation
  • Structural Regularization
  • Go for simpler models and slowly go more and more complex.
  • User tasks specific models


  • Dropout: multiply the output of a hidden layer with a mask of 0s and 1s
  • Backward: multiply the weights by \(1-p_i\).
  • Stop co-adaptation and learn ensemble
  • Other variations
  • Gaussian dropout: multiply with a Gaussian with mean 1
  • Swapout: Allow skip connections to happen (?)

Multimodal optimization

  • Biggest challenge
  • Pretraining